Doug on Durbin Creek, photo by Gray Quetti
I am a Southerner, born and raised in Jacksonville FL, and living in the same city. We are fortunate to live in nature’s bounty, surrounded by creeks, rivers, the ocean and forests. Natural life is abundant. As a photographer, the South is often discounted as a boring place, losing out to the great mountain ranges, the rocky coastlines, or the ancient forests. Man has done his share at raping the land, draining, cutting, polluting, and destroying most of the natural resources that was once abundant. Now the special places are protected by park boundaries, reserves, and private landowners, with their own set of rules and regulations. I have recently started a journey to re-discover what is natural and wonderful about where I live and to photograph in places that one is unlikely to go.
My newly acquired piece of photo equipment is a kayak (it’s May, 2014). Learning the ins and outs of the boat plus what I can and cannot do on the water photographically is all part of the education. This has taken some time to figure out, as it never occurred to me what new opportunities would open for me on the water. I’m beginning to find out. This site documents an ongoing project based on my creek explorations. You can find out more about my other work on my artist website.
My original intent was to produce fine art photographs of the creek landscape, but my journey is expanding to include many revelations about myself and my relation to this place called home. Being out on the water, either alone or with my photo buddy, gives me time to change perspective and environment completely. I no longer am in complete control, and surrender to the constraints of the boat, the water, the wind, and the light. Yes it is a bit of effort to get the boat out the door but the new experiences allow me to “discover the Grand Canyon” again and again. I am thankful to have access to these wonderful places and my desire is that they are preserved for future generations to experience.
I hope you enjoy exploring the small part of Florida that I consider special. I would be honored to have one of my prints in your home or office as a reminder of the beauty and peace found in our natural environment.
“You find that you have to do many things, more than just lift up the camera and shoot, and so you get involved in it in a very physical way. You may find that the picture you want to do can only be made from a certain place, and you’re not there, so you have to physically go there. And that participation may spur you on to work harder on the thing, . . . because in the physical change of position you start seeing a whole different relationship.” – Jay Maisel